Monday, December 21, 2009

Is this what I want ??

Is this really what I want to be ?? Computer Science and Management Mathematics , the course I studied bout half years and end up I learned nothing about it just besides some of the subjects are easy for me, I was underestimated the subjects especially the maths and programming , I am so "STRESSSSSSS" about it now and I can't make any complains to my parents cause I am the one who said want to study this course and now I really can't cope with the maths subjects and the programming now.
Is this really what I want ?? Is this what I want to be in the future ?? I really don't know , I am doubt in myself too. Why I am always the one who get scolded by the calculus tutor , I already put so much effort in it to get my tutorial done and why I always get the lowest mark in my mid term test instead of highest ?? WHY WHY WHY ?? I don't even dare to show to my mom when I get back the mid term test paper ...
Why I addicted into facebook so much ?? Why I love last minutes so much ?? why I always get something done until half without finished another half ?? Isn't it all these the factor of the failure ?? I wonder !!! ???

Sunday, December 13, 2009


今天在家,没有做什么,就一整天在家发呆,读读昨天在kinokuniya买的书“20几岁,你要改变什么” 里面有一个故事,故事里的主角很像我,婆婆妈妈,怕这个,怕那个。。这样算什么男子汉哦?? (其实在骂着我自己),我想这本书,应该还有很多很多的人生道理让我去挖掘吧。。 我会仔细的把它给看完。。

然后就一家人到“老地方” 去吃晚餐,这“老地方”是我从小到大都会到那儿去吃的一个餐馆,那里的菜不错,每逢星期日,我和家人都会到那儿一趟, 可是当姐姐到新加坡去之后,我们就很少很少去那儿去吃了,难得姐姐这次从新加坡会来,就到儿一趟,然后再回味那儿的美味佳肴咯。。


好了,就到这儿吧!!! 嘻嘻, byebye。。 nitez。

Saturday, December 12, 2009

我是 一位值得一交的朋友吗??

星期一那时,因为我们的group assignment 出了些问题,便要从新改过,身为assignment group leader 的我,看到组员那无奈且及静静坐在那儿不出声的样子,真的让我感到很无助,吩咐他们等下放学后要留下来meeting, 好像要把他们的命拿走酱,那时侯我很失望(其实我也不是一位好领导者,因为在讨论的时候,我也时不时玩 “脸书”), 那时我真的很气,便不出声的做在那儿静静不出声,他们问我什么,我都没有回答,就坐在那等老师和老师去办公室拿mid term 的考卷,派回给他们。

到了星期三下午,calculus 的节完了,我却吩咐他们到study room 去进行最后一次的讨论,在讨论当中,我和其中一位组员有出入的意见,那时我的小孩子脾气又出来了,过后我朋友就说,“耀民,你这样的态度,很难再和你相处下去” 他说这句话,让我在那时静了下来,在那时,他们说了我的缺点出来,也许我是家最小的吧?是温室里的小草,所以被母亲宠坏了。还说回上次去电脑展的那间事,我那幼稚的所做所为,多可笑,可悲啊!!

可是最让我想不到的是, 在星期五要把这份assignment 交上去时,在还有交上去之前,我就致电给我的组员们,吩咐他们十一点要到学校去签名。 当我到了学校时,我一位组员就开始问我,为什么你那么迟才到,为什么不早点通知他,让他赶来赶去,这时我真的很气,他一声谢谢都不说,却蛮不讲理的骂人。。 我到底得罪他那里啊??难到,他忙别人就不忙吗??你生意做得大啊?? 过后,我便很气的打给其他组员,以很气的语气叫他们快点来,不然我就不等他们,把assignment 给交了。。


Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Today is Wednesday (9/12.2009)

Wow !! Time flies so fast , now it's come to the end of the year 2009 9th of December , Wednesday . Today as usual, woke up early in the morning and get prepared myself to college and start for the whole new day , reached college bout 8 10 am , I had my yoghurt that brought back by my mum before I get off my car, then heading to My 1st class at 8 30 am Basic Calculus tutorial , ermm.. as what the lecturer told me last week , go home and prepare for the one of the question from the tutorial questions but too bad , I don't know how to solve this at home and I asked the tutor on the spot , unfortunately I get scolded by the tutor because she said I never prepare the tutorial question given by her , haiz... and I did badly in my mid term and got the lowest in class and I think I have to get prepare myself before the final ..

After 1 and half hours, the calculus class had ended , and then my group members and I heading to study room for the assignment discussion and nothing much we discuss about cause some of them were not here and just go through the info we found in the website and after that went for Informations systems lecture and I was LATE for this lecture due to some of the reason and found out the students attending the IS lecture was getting lesser and lesser , I wonder why huh ??
Today was a sunny day and feel so hot even though the lecture hall are equipped with the air condition, and I was so tired during the calculus lecture so I had slept for about 10 to 15 during the break.

After the calculus lecture , we (our assignment group member) went to study room for the assignments, and this time we spent about 4 hours in study room for the discussion and during the discussions , there are some conflict occurred due to the assignments but there's no any big deal about it , after a while back to normal again.

That's all about today... tada...