Tuesday, February 07, 2012


哇!!!感覺自己很不爭氣,可是現在後悔也太遲啦。。 現在這份工,很不喜歡而且也不太喜歡那裡的同事,雖然還可以談得來可是也不喜歡他們的所作所謂 ,再加上自己笨,不醒目,做東西慢,真的很不喜歡那裡的工作環境。。 真的很想把這份工作給辭去,我明天不想去上班啊啊。。。。呼呼呼。。

Monday, January 10, 2011

Time To Change !

Behavior / Attitude :

I couldn't stand on my own behavior seriously, I really cannot behave like a  "BIG CHILD".. anymore.. is time to think for my future, what I wanna do in my future !?  Programmer ?! Database Administrator ?! Software Engineer ?!  IT Technician ?! or something else that related to IT ?! so I have to think now , start now, action now to determined my career in the future. I have to be more out going and need a lot of exposure don't want to be a "grass in a greenhouse"   “温室里的小草 ” 。 

Thursday, December 02, 2010



Monday, November 15, 2010

Sound Of Music

The Hills are alive, with the sound of music , with songs they have sung, for thousands years ! Yeah.. Many of You may get familiar with this sound but many of You may not get familiar with this songs as well ! This is the theme song for the Movie of Song of Music that was casting during 1965, the main actor of this movie are Julies Andrews and Christopher Plummer and also the 7 children.

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

因果 !

This title for this post is in mandarin but the article is in English, I know it's weird but this is what I going write in this post. 因果,known as karma in English does exist in the world. What is Karma ,因果 ?? some of them might not understa nd this term. 因果,你种了什么因,就得了什么果,这也是 报应。

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

芝麻绿豆之大事 !!!!

很久没有动过我的blog了,这次我还把我的blog给翻新了,所谓旧的不去,新的不来嘛!! 旧的不去,哪里来新的呢? 嘻嘻。。。 你们说是吗?
考完试了,是时候轻松轻松下咯!很想和朋友到新加坡去旅行,可是并不知道父母给不!? 希望可以好好利用这三个星期的假期吧!至于,我的朋友们,很对不起,我知道我现在说什么都没有用,而且每次都 “衰” 小气,“衰” 冲动。。导致了每个朋友都远离了我。。。

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

My dear friend

I never back home last night, because of the calculus mid term later , so staying in friend's house for a night and doing revision with them.
Oh ya. my group discussion last night was awesome and I did managed to get 29/35 for the group discussion marks and I hope I can perform better in the coming individual presentation . God Bless. What am I going to present in the individual presentations ?? TOURISM -SINGAPORE, this will be my presentations topic. Hopes that everything goes fine in my individual presentation.